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Support, Safety and Sleep
The mission of Baby Blues Connection is to support parents and their families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders, with information, resources, and community; and connect and support the volunteers, staff and professionals who serve them.
The Oregon Poison Center (1-800-222-1222) is a 24-hour regional poison emergency information and resource center for the public and health care professionals.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers aids in both prevention and treatment of poison exposure and offers free advice 24 hours a day.
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission - Provides information about hazardous products, safety, and recalls
Child Mind Institute has information on how to help teenagers get more sleep.
Johns Hopkins Medicine discusses how much sleep teenagers need.
Sleep Foundation talks about why teenagers face unique sleep challenges and tips for overcoming them.

Mental Health Resources
As a primary medical home, we offer care that extends beyond physical health. Learn about our behavioral health services and schedule an appointment with us today.
The American Psychological Association offers helpful articles, books, resources, videos and more to support families with navigating their mental health journey.
Find nearby DBT providers here.
Find Educational Testing Providers here.
Infoaboutkids.org is an ongoing collaboration of the Consortium for Science-Based Information on Children, Youth and Families. Our goal is to promote healthy child and family development by highlighting science-based information for those who care for, or work with, children. Our site, updated annually, links to other well-established, trustworthy websites for parents, other caregivers, and professionals. Our monthly blogs will summarize science-based information on timely topics. Information provided on the site is meant to complement and not replace any advice or information from a health or education professional.
Magination Press is the children’s book imprint of the American Psychological Association. Through our publishing we share with the world mental health expertise and psychological knowledge.
Our books reach young readers and their parents and caregivers to make navigating life’s challenges a little easier. It’s the combined power of psychology and literature that makes our books special.
We publish a wide range of mental health topics, including anxiety, divorce, mindfulness, identity, death, depression, and much more.
(Source: Magination Press)

Foster Care & Kinship
We work with your DHS caseworker to make sure your family has all of the support that you need. If you are a foster parent, be sure to let your provider at Oregon Pediatrics know your DHS caseworker’s name and contact information, and keep us updated if that information changes.
MyHealth is our online patient portal that allows you to access your child’s medical records and contact your medical team from your computer or smart phone. As a foster parent, you have the right to use this portal.
Please complete the MyHealth Proxy Access form (available in English and Spanish) to begin the process. If you have any trouble or questions, please contact one of our locations, or complete our online form.
ORPARC is a state-funded organization that specializes in helping adoptive parents navigate their children’s care, but is a great resource for foster and kinship families as well.
They have an extensive online and physical library with resources for parents, as well as regular parent training classes specializing in a variety of topics.
ORPARC also partners with and connects families to several parent support groups and other community organizations.
Contact Information:
Website: www.orparc.org
Phone: 800-764-8367 / 503-241-0799
Email: orparc@nwresource.org
KEEP is an evidence-based family support program available to all foster and kinship families. A KEEP group consists of 7 to 12 Foster/Kinship families and two trained group leaders, all of whom participate in 16 weekly, 90-minute sessions, during which families will engage in a trauma-informed parenting curriculum. Families receive $25 for each session attended, and childcare and food are provided at in-person groups. Oregon Pediatrics recommends that every foster and kinship parent takes advantage of this fantastic program.
Contact Information:
Website: keepfostering.org
Phone: 503 250 0401 (Foster), 541 543 8974 (Kinship)
Email: Mirna.pani@options.org (Foster), juliec@oslc.org (Kinship)
Kinship House provides comprehensive therapy and advocacy for children experiencing foster care and adoption. Kinship house’s purpose is to decrease the impact of past trauma on children, helping them bond with safe adults in their lives, and ultimately leading them to healthy, successful, stable futures.
Contact Information:
Website: www.kinshiphouse.org/getting-started
Phone: (503) 724-1086
Email: Intake@KinshipHouse.org
Many children in foster care have developmental disabilities. If your child has a developmental disability, they may be eligible for Developmental Disabilities Services, which provides you with a caseworker and resources to help address your child’s medical needs. Call DDS today to apply.
Contact Information:
503-988-6258 (Multnomah County)
503-557-2824 (Clackamas County)

Resources for Children with Developmental Disabilities
If your child has a developmental disability, they may be eligible for Developmental Disabilities Services, which provides you with a caseworker and resources to help address your child’s medical needs. Call DDS today to apply.
Contact Information
503-988-6258 (Multnomah County)
503-557-2824 (Clackamas County)
Children with developmental disabilities also qualify for SSI. This additional income can help fund your child’s medical needs. To apply for Social Security Income, call 1-800-772-1213.

Lactation & Breastfeeding
La Leche League was formed in Chicago (USA) by seven women who wanted to give breastfeeding help and support to others. The LLLI mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
ORPARC is a state-funded organization that specializes in helping adoptive parents navigate their children’s care, but is a great resource for foster and kinship families as well.
They have an extensive online and physical library with resources for parents, as well as regular parent training classes specializing in a variety of topics.
ORPARC also partners with and connects families to several parent support groups and other community organizations.
Contact Information:
Website: www.orparc.org
Phone: 800-764-8367 / 503-241-0799
Email: orparc@nwresource.org
Breastmilk is one of the greatest gifts a mom can give her baby but breastfeeding isn't always the easiest job in the world. For Legendairy Milk founder, Luna Feehan, those first few weeks after her son was born were primarily spent obsessing about her breast milk production. Not surprising when the majority of her days involved nursing, pumping, hand expressing, washing bottles and then starting the cycle all over again! And the worry about whether she was producing enough milk constantly niggled in the back of her mind.
If you're reading this, you've probably had or are currently having a similar experience. Please know that you're not alone. Concern about an inadequate milk supply is the #1 reason why women stop breastfeeding.
That's why Legendairy Milk®️ was created. For centuries, certain herbs and foods have been used in different cultures to help promote breast milk production. Our herbal lactation supplements were formulated with these carefully chosen ingredients to target the primary issues that affect milk production. Our products are free of any additives or preservatives so that every capsule is brimming with pure and potent milk-enhancing ingredients. We've gone to great lengths to ensure our formulations are organic and healthy for both mom and baby because we know a legendairy mom like you deserves a legendairy product.

Explore our immunization resources to stay informed about the latest vaccine recommendations, schedules, and updates. We are dedicated to keeping your child protected against preventable diseases, and our resources offer valuable insights into the importance of vaccinations and their role in safeguarding your child's health.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - A national public health institute whose main goal is to “protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability”.
Immunization Action Coalition provides extensive immunization information for both healthcare professionals and patients.
Put out by the CDC, Vaccine Information Statements (or VISs) explain the benefits and risks of vaccines.